How To Fix A Sagging Mattress – Easy And Economical Ways

One day, you wake up with the feeling of discomfort, backaches or other sleep issues. Then, Home Body suppose your sagging mattress maybe the potential reason for all those, and it’s time for you to resolve this.

The best option is replacing your old sagging mattresses with a new one. Anyway, if you are considering your budget, you can repair it instead.

Now, don’t hesitate to consult our following suggested methods to know how to fix sagging mattresses in the right and inexpensive ways as well as how to prevent this condition.

What makes your mattress saggy?

Usually, saggy mattresses can sink in the middle or in various spots, which may be a signal of getting old. And there are some possible causes of your old mattress:

  • Regular usage (usually focus on the areas we lie most)
  • Inferior materials
  • The disintegration of internal components because of the foam’s aging after a long time
  • Inadequate mattress center support
  • Broken or old box spring support or bent steel under the mattresses
  • Care lacking
  • The effect of severe environment conditions (high moisture content, direct sunlight, liquid penetration…)
  • The uneven surface where the mattress is placed
The saggy mattress is described as sinking at the center
The saggy mattress is described as sinking at the center

As a result, this condition of the foam mattress will make you uncomfortable, lead to back pains or spinal alignment issues and affect the sleeping cycle. Thus, it is necessary for you to know how to fix any mattress soon and effectively.

How to fix a sagging mattress

Nothing can last forever, and the foam mattresses with 10-12 years of durability are not the exception. Anyway, unless it is sinking too much, you can repair it by yourself.
To resolve this rather widespread mattress problem, Home Body will show you how to fix the old mattresses to get the better sleep experience:

Pillow trick

The most temporary and cheapest solution for your sagging mattress is using bed pillows. You may take advantage of the old pillows, which will cost you nothing.
What you need here is picking up the soft and fiber-filled pillows. Be sure that those pillows have the proper size or similar density to that of sagging areas.
After that, you lift up the mattress and put above pillows beneath the saggy areas. Then you place your mattress back down over those pillows, try lying down, and feel whether the pillows are in the right place or not.
This trick will allow you to sleep more easily and comfortably on the even surface for a few nights until you apply a brand-new mattress or other methods. By the way, some customers also recommend firmer gel pillows because they may work better and last a little bit longer. It’s worth trying!

Mattress topper

One more comfortable way to deal with your old mattress is buying a mattress topper. This thin layer can be placed atop the mattress and customarily used to give an additional comfort layer to your mattress. It is also helpful in the case of the old mattresses.
There are various types of mattress toppers available on the recent market. You will find memory foam, fiber, feather, latex or wool mattress toppers.

However, in the case of a saggy mattress, to equalize the lumpy surface with deep depressions, a thick memory foam product is highly appreciated by many users. With high-density construction, it can help to cover, adjust, and bring you an even surface and the comfortable feeling.

If there is little problem with your mattress, you can use a fiber filled product to even out the old mattress instead.
The topper will not remove the sag depth but will make it less apparent. Thus, you should connect using mattress topper with using the pillow trick for the best results.

Notably, you push your sagging mattress up with pillows as we mention above. Then, you lay the memory foam topper on top of the old mattress, wait 24 hours for its expansion and stretch the cover.


Plywood sheets can be a practical solution for your sagging mattress, mainly when it is a box spring bed or a slat-based one. Let follow these following steps to apply this way:

Step 1: Determine the mattress type

Usually, plywood is an ideal choice for most mattress types but not perfect for the waterbed, innerspring, or air mattresses.

Step 2: Measure the sag depth

You can use a yardstick and a measuring tape to do this. Measuring will help us to identify the proper thickness for reversing the sag and the required total thickness of the sleeping surface when the plywood is installed.

Step 3: Cut the plywood sheets

You use a saw to cut two plywood pieces and make them 1-inch smaller than your bed and mattress size dimensions. Remember to sand any rough spots on the sheets.

Step 4: Install the cut plywood sheets

For a box spring bed, you put those pieces between your mattress and box spring. For a slat-based bed, you place the plywood sheets on the slats of the bed frame.
You should lay a sheet of plastic or vinyl on top of those plywood sheets to prevent the wood- moisture retention or any other concerns.
After that, you lay the mattress atop the vinyl or plastic-covered plywood and adjust it to fit the bed properly.
This way will support your mattress from beneath and ease up on the sagging areas. However, if the sag is frequent and much serious, this may only help as a short-term solution.

Box springs or slats replacing

In case you have a platform bed, the potential reason for your depressed mattress can be old and broken underneath box springs or wooden slats. Thus, you need to check them first to determine if they are worn out. For each case, you can:

  • Look for the damaged box springs and easily replace them with the new ones for the best results. They may have different sizes and are less expensive than buying a new mattress. Just be sure to get the types that match your mattress springs.
  • Find out the warping slats under the box spring and replace them to support your mattress in time. The damaged frame and slats may lead to a slight depression at the center and the uneven surface. You can replace them with new metal slats that supply the smooth surface. Just make sure that new slats have the same size as old ones.

Mattress Helper

One more solution for fixing the saggy mattress is the Mattress Helper. This is a long foam piece made of high-density materials. You can place it under the mattress to support the sagging areas. This product also has many positive reviews on Amazon, so let check it out to try better experience.

The support of Mattress Helper
The support of Mattress Helper

In some ways, this option may be likely nice if there is a bit less sagging issue. To make it better, you can use it in conjunction with the memory foam mattress topper.
Now, you may know how to fix sagging mattresses in the easy and inexpensive ways. Let find out the ways to prevent this condition in the next part.

How to prevent the sagging mattress

Knowing how to fix it is necessary and knowing how to prevent this condition is essential as well. would suggest some following tips to help you to prevent your mattress from sagging.

Frequently flip and rotate the mattress

Firstly, Home Body would suggest you flip and rotate your mattress regularly. Unless that is kind of no-turn mattresses, you should turn it weekly to control your mattress compression and prevent saggy conditions.
If your mattress is new, you can apply this way every time you change the sheets. If your mattress has a bit of sag, you had better rotate it more often. Let consult the guidance below to turn it appropriately.

Don’t forget to ask your partner to help you with this task
Don’t forget to ask your partner to help you with this task

Regular checking and maintaining

This is supposed to be the critical prevention method. You need to ensure that your mattress is getting a strong foundation. This means the slats and box springs have to be in good condition and position.
In this case, you are highly recommended to have a quick check when you flip and rotate the mattresses. Then, if you find out any broken springs or slats, you can replace them in time.
Moreover, for slatted frame or platform bases, you should check them consistently as well to ensure that they are not bent or curved and still have high support abilities.


Those are how to fix a sagging mattress in the economic and straightforward methods and some tips to prevent the saggy issues. Hopefully, you will successfully apply them to get high-quality sleep and health and resolve any back-related problems.
Again, Mattress 1000 hope our post will help you in seeking the possible solutions to a saggy mattress. If you have any ideas about this condition, don’t hesitate to leave your comment below to share with us.


I am Linda Jones 26, editor of Matress1000. Our mission is to help people sleep better.